Prof. Dr. Daphne Kos

KU Leuven (University of Leuven) (B), Professor in Master of Science in occupational therapy National Multiple Sclerosis Center Melsbroek (B), Scientific Research Rehabilitation. Daphne Kos graduated as occupational therapist (OT) and movement scientist. She worked as OT practitioner, lecturer and researcher and studied fatigue management and assessment in people with multiple sclerosis in her PhD project.

Currently, Daphne Kos coordinates the scientific research in the rehabilitation department of the National MS Center Melsbroek and is professor and program director in the OT master programme in KU Leuven (interuniversity programme with Hasselt,Ghent and Antwerp) (Belgium).

Her research domain is situated in the area of neurological rehabilitation, focussing on fatigue, occupational performance, life balance, goal setting and assessment, mainly in multiple sclerosis.

Daphne Kos is President of the Belgian Society for Neurological Rehabilitation (BSNR) and Past President of the international network for best practice and research in Rehabilitation in MS (RIMS).