Dr. Erwin van Wegen

Dr. Erwin van Wegen is currently working as associate professor in Neurorehabilitation at the department of Rehabilitation Medicine at the Amsterdam University Medical Center (AUMC, location VUmc), The Netherlands. Educated as a movement scientist in motor control and rehabilitation, Dr. van Wegen is principal/associate investigator on several grant projects in the field of neurorehabilitation (o.a. ZonMw, Hersenstichting, Stichting Parkinson Fonds, Parkinson Society, EU) and coordinator of teaching courses on movement disorders and rehabilitation at the VU University and Amsterdam University Medical center. His subjects of interest are the coordination of locomotion and balance, as well as motor control, (neuro) rehabilitation and neuroplasticity in movement disorders, specifically in Parkinson’s Disease (PD), stroke, MS and the elderly.

At present Dr. van Wegen is senior researcher and board member of the Neurorehabilitation Unit at AUMC and member of the Parkinson and Movement Disorders expert center at AUMC. Dr. van Wegen is also a Hersenstichting Fellow, member of several editorial boards of peer-reviewed journals, member of the board of Amsterdam Movement Sciences (AMS) translational research institute , deputy director of Program 5 Rehabilitation and Development at AMS, and deputy-treasurer of the Dutch Society of Neurorehabilitation (DSNR, www.dsnr.nl).