Prof. Dr. Jane Burridge | President ACPIN

Jane Burridge is Professor Emerita of Restorative Neuroscience at the University of Southampton. Her research is about improving recovery of movement following acquired brain damage. Fundamental to this is understanding the mechanisms associated with normal, loss and recovery of motor function. Jane’s work has crossed traditional rehabilitation boundaries, collaborating with engineers, neuroscientists and psychologists. She served as President of The Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Neurology (ACPIN) from 2017 until 2024.

Jane graduated as a physiotherapist but later changed career and trained as a musician playing and teaching the flute. Her PhD at the University of Southampton enabled response to Functional Electrical Stimulation for drop-foot to be better predicted by accurate measurement of muscle dysfunction.

Jane’s current research is with wearable sensors to support home-based rehabilitation and generate objective measures of impairment. She is particularly interested in understanding how rehabilitation technologies can translate into clinical practice.

Jane is currently studying for an MA in Creative Writing at Bath Spa University.