Friday 2 June 2023

07.30-08.30 | Room 0.5
DSNR Annual General Meeting 

08.30-09.30 | Auditorium 2
Cognitive rehabilitation: past, present and future |
C. van Heugten
Chair: J. Burridge

09.30-10.00 | ExpoFoyer
Coffee break & Exhibiton

10.00-11.30 | Focused Symposium | Auditorium II
Measuring fatigability in people with Multiple Sclerosis | Chair: D. Kos
10.00-10.30 Setting the scene: challenges in assessing fatigue and fatigability in MS | D. Kos
10.30-10.50 Motor fatigability: assessment and implications for training | P. Feys
10.50-11.10 Cognitive fatigability: from lab testing to real life contextN. Peeters
11.10-11.30 Cognitive-motor performance during and after fatiguing protocolsZ. Abasiyanik

10.00-11.30 | Invited Lecture and oral abstract presentations | Room 0.11
Chair:  F. van Wijck
10.00-10.30 From exercise and fitness training to active living after stroke: how can we facilitate transfer? | F. van Wijck
10.30-10.45 Increased access to physical activity and exercise for patients with neurological conditions in the community: a service improvement evaluation | C. Appel
10.45-11.00 Optimizing protocol selection for cardiopulmonary exercise testing in slowly progressive neuromuscular diseases | S. Oorschot
11.00-11.15 Self-paced treadmill versus overground walking to evaluate the therapeutic effect of treadmill-based walking adaptability training in neurological patients | E. Zwijgers
11.15-11.30 Efficacy of the Myosuit for increasing gait capacity and daily life gait performance in the home and community setting in people with incomplete spinal cord injury: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial | L. Visch

10.00-11.30 | Focused Symposium | Room 0.10
Novel advances in the assessment and treatment of gait impairments after stroke | Chair: A. Geurts
10.00-10.20 Gait impairments after stroke | A. Geurts
10.20-10.45 Novel advances in the assessment of gait | N. Keijsers
10.45-11.10 Ankle-foot surgery to improve gait capacity | J. Nonnekes
11.10-11.30 Evidence of ankle-foot surgery to improve gait capacity after strokeB. Bloks

10.00-11.30 | Focused Symposium | Room 0.5
Neuromodulation (rTMS/ tDCS) | Chair: R. Dijkhuizen
Continuous theta-burst stimulation of the contralesional primary motor cortex promotes upper limb recovery after stroke  | J. Vink
10.30-10.45 Assessing age-related changes in control of gait using brain-muscle networks | T. Boonstra
10.45-11.00 The effect of contextual interference on engagement during motor practice in subacute rehabilitation for people post-stroke | G. Batsha-Kigel
11.00-11.15 High dosage upper limb rehabilitation for chronic stroke patients Protocol for a randomised controlled trial (INTENSIVE) | L. Tedesco Triccas 
11.15-11.30 | Discussion

10.00-11.30 | Focused Symposium | Room 0.4
Wearable-supported @home arm-hand rehabilitation after stroke | Chair: H. Bussmann
10.00-10.30 The use of wearables in at-home upper-limb rehabilitation: opportunities, challenges & examples | H. Bussmann
Quality versus quantity assessments of arm movement in clinical trials | A. Luft
10.45-11.00 The Arm Activity Tracker: assessing the feasibility and exploring the efficacy of a sensor-based feedback device stimulating daily life upper extremity activity in stroke patients N. Langerak
11.00-11.15 Immersive VR and Portable devices in minimally supervised arm-hand rehabilitation | L. Marchal-Crespo 
11.15-11.30 Discussion

11.30-12.30 | ExpoFoyer
Lunch & Exhibition

11.30-12.30 | Industry Sponsored Lunch symposium | Room 0.2/0.3

12.30-13.00 | ExpoFoyer
Poster Visit

13.00-14.30 | Invited Lecture and oral abstract presentations | Auditorium II
Chair: U. Hammerbeck
13.00-13.30 Differences in arm recovery between ischemic stroke and intracerebral haemorrhage  U. Hammerbeck
13.30-13.45 Motor-Cognitive Dual-Task Ability; Strategies and performance of the upper extremity in healthy and individuals post-stroke | Y. Bachar Kirshenboim
13.45-14.00 Comparing capacity and daily-use of the affected upper extremity of individuals with and without post-stroke depression | D. Rand
14.00-14.15 Stroke patients’ motivation for home-based upper extremity rehabilitation with eHealth tools | N. Langerak
14.15-14.30 Usability evaluation of the T-GRIP thumb exoskeleton to support lateral pinch grasp | A. Kottink

13.00-14.30 | Focused Symposium | Room 0.11
Technology-supported balance and gait training @Home | Chair: V. Weerdesteyn
13.00-13.30 Home-based exergaming for enhancing resistance to falls after stroke | V. Weerdesteyn
13.30-14.00 Clinical feasibility trial with home-based and remotely monitored progressive gamified AR gait-and-balance training in people with Parkinson’s disease M. Roerdink
14.00-14.30 Effectiveness of a home-based video-game balance training program on balance performance in children with cerebral palsy | P. Meyns

13.00-14.30 | Invited Lecture and oral abstract presentations | Room 0.10
Chair: P. Feys
13.00-13.30 Embracing the complexity of rehabilitation research | P. Feys
13.30-13.45 Therapeutic effect of a wearable soft-robotic glove on hand function used as assistive device to support people with impaired hand strength during activities of daily living | A. Kottink
13.45-14.00 Can we use the Functional Gait Assessment scale as part of vestibular rehabilitation? | N. Kos
14.00-14.15 Essential training variables of arm-hand training in people with cervical spinal cord injury: a systematic review | N. Bertels
14.15-14.30 HEROES, an exergame for stroke patients to train stepping responses at home | A. Ruiz-Rodríguez

13.00-14.30 | Focused Symposium | Room 0.5
The influence of motor cognition on functional recovery after stroke  | 
Chairs: P. Lindberg
13.00-13.15 Relation between visuospatial attention and upper limb motor impairments in chronic stroke | P. Lindberg 
13.15-13.30 Do post-stroke cognitive impairments interfere with motor learning? | Y. Vandermeeren 
13.30-13.45 Influence of cognitive impairments on motor and functional upper limb recovery in stroke | J. Plantin
13.45-14.00 How mechanisms underlying limb apraxia may inform stroke recovery | E. Rounis
14.00-14.15 Combinations of functional neuroimaging and lesion analysis to inform about essential brain areas and neural recovery in apraxia following stroke J. Hermsdörfer
14.15-14.30 Discussion

13.00-14.30 | Focused Symposium | Room 0.4
Fatigue and the Post-Covid-condition | Chairs: C. Dettmers, M. Jobges
13.00-13.30 Assessment of physical endurance and motor fatigability in patients with post-COVID syndrome | C. Weich
13.30-14.00 Feasibility of a cognitive-behavioral group therapy for patients with post/long COVID syndrome in neurological rehabilitation D. Mier
14.00-14.15 Predictors of depressive symptoms among COVID-19 patients up to 2 years after hospitalization | M. Bek
14.15-14.30 Telehealth-delivered supervised exercise and behaviour change support is feasible and shows promise as a path to sustained increases in physical activity after stroke: Results from the ENAbLE Pilot Trial | E. Ramage

14.30-15.00 | ExpoFoyer
Coffee break & Exhibition

15.00-16.00 | Auditorium II
The exercise prescription for Parkinson’s disease | A. Nieuwboer
Chair: E. Swinnen 

16.00-17.00 | Awards & Closing ceremony | Auditorium II
Young scientist and best poster awards
Winner best poster competition
Closing ceremony