Lunch Symposia
Thursday 1 June 2023
13.00-14.00 | IPSEN Lunch Symposium | Room 0.2/0.3
Smoothening the consequences of spasticity by addressing patient-relevant outcomes and improving strategies to facilitate shared decision making in spasticity management
Chairman and speaker: H.C.J.W Kerstens, PhD
Invited speaker: T. van der Weijden
Friday 2 June 2023
11.30-12.30 | MERZ Lunch symposium | Room 0.2/0.3
ToxNet group: Peer Exchange on Challenges in Spasticity Management
Join our panel of internationally renowned experts for an interactive session on managing spasticity, including a new peer-developed curriculum
Speakers: A. Geurts (moderator), T. Deltombe, N. Draulans