Session Proposal Focused Symposium

The NNR 2025 congress invites submission of Focused Symposium Sessions for its 5th International Congress on Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. The congress will take place from 14-16 May 2025 in Maastricht, the Netherlands.

Please note that submission for Focused Symposium Sessions is no longer possible.

All focused symposium sessions should consist of 3 to 4 presentations, for which you can submit abstracts via this module. Via the submission module you should upload an entire Focused Symposium session, including all details of each presentation and speaker. 

The deadline for receipt of the Focused Symposium is 23.59 GMT +1 on January 6, 2025, and the online submission module will be deactivated as of 00.01 GMT +1 on January 7, 2025. After this date, Focused Symposium submissions will not be accepted or considered!

Please note that Focused Symposium sessions can be submitted only via this module. It is not possible to send these in by e-mail, as a shared file, etc. Focused Symposium sessions that are not handed in via the module will NOT be reviewed by the Scientific Committee 

Author/co-author details & affiliations

Please, take a good look at the names and affiliations of all authors before handing in your submission. Please make sure that you check that co-author details are correct, as these cannot subsequently be changed either. This means that if your Focused Symposium is accepted for presentation at the congress, the abstract and authors information will be published in the digital proceedingsbook as received from you, during the submission.

Acknowledging successful submission

When your Focused Symposium is successfully submitted, you will receive an acknowledgement by email, containing details of the exact submission (including title, author, co-authors, and text).

Please take the time to check this carefully and contact the congress secretariat (EMAIL) as soon as possible if there are any errors. 

Your Focused Symposium will be reviewed after the submission deadline and you will be informed within 2-3 weeks whether it is accepted or rejected.

Important dates:
1 November 2024: Focuses Symposium Session Proposal submission open
6 January 2025: Deadline submission 
1 March 2025: Notification of acceptance of oral and poster abstracts
1 April 2025: Deadline for registration of selected abstract presenters

Please note that there will be no financial contribution for the accepted Focused Symposium speakers.

We look forward to your contribution and thank you for helping us make this congress a source of inspiration.