
There will be a special slot during the programme for awarding the best oral presentation of a young scientist (up to 35 years of age) as well as for the best poster presentation (all ages). The Organizing Committee invites you to prepare your abstract(s) in accordance with the guidelines as published on this website. Especially young scientists are encouraged to submit an abstract for oral presentation or poster.

The 1st place winners will receive a free full congress registration for the 6th Congress on NeuroRehabilitation and Neural Repair!

Young Scientist award 2023
1st place, Lotte van de Venis
2nd place, Evelyne Wiskerke
3rd Lisa Tedesco Triccas

Best poster presentation 2023
1st place, Rosa Cabanas-Valdés
2nd place, Lotte Hardeman
3rd place, Mereia Coll